Joshua and the leaders of Israel trusted in the outward fake “evidence” of the Gibeonites lies. The worn out clothing and shoes, the old wineskins, the dry and crusty bread, the fact that they had traveled from a distant foreign land and just wanted to make “peace” with them . . . lies, lies and more lies. Satan will send his ambassadors to convince you to compromise, to whisper lies, to minimize the gravity of sin. “You can control it – it’s no big deal. You don’t really need to be submitted to God. Do what you want. Just this once won't hurt you . . . etc. etc. We can so easily fall into his traps!
UNLESS and UNTIL we go to the Lord’s table, and take the cup and the bread that’s not crusty like traditional religion, not old and a ritual, but a relationship with the Living Bread. We must not neglect abiding in Him and His Word EVERY day, praying and talking with God and then WAITING on His counsel, and most importantly REMEMBERING what your sins and mine cost our beautiful Savior. His heart was broken, His guts poured out, the skin on His back was shred, they plucked the hairs out of His beard, He was mocked, He was beaten almost to death, He endured the cross and the torture it entailed. He did this for YOU and ME.