Sally Choquette
I am just a girl who fell in love with Jesus 20 years ago. Walking proof that God takes flawed, fearful, imperfect people, and transforms them into "His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them." (Ephesians 2:10)
After all these years of reading and studying the bible, I have discovered one simple truth . . . .
It's ALL About Jesus
Every word, every name, every place, every chapter is all about Him and our Heavenly Father's plan of redemption and extravagant love for lost and broken people like you and I. We are all invited to come to His table every day . . .we only need to accept it and take the time to get to know how great He is!
Fall in love with Jesus . . . oh, and by the way, have fun! Eat with Him, talk with Him, enjoy Him . . . your life will never be the same.
How did you first discover the Word of God?
After a long battle with in vitro fertilization, the Lord blessed me with my son. But little did I know the next 10 years would be the most difficult of my life. Divorce, single-motherhood, financial famine, failed relationships, and all the while Jesus was in hot pursuit. I would finally give my heart to Him in my mid-30's. Shortly after being saved, God knew that I needed a church family. He led me to a small church through a job posting, for a position that I applied for, to bring in some extra income. I instantly connected with the Pastor and his wife. She invited me to their women’s Bible study which was so intimidating to my spiritually infant heart and mind at that time. I didn’t go to the Bible study, but I did start going to her house every Thursday for lunch and to read the Bible together. This became a pivotal moment in my life. With her encouragement, she helped me to open the Word and begin reading. And in a very short period of time, the Holy Spirit took over, and I couldn’t put it down. I have never been the same since!
How did the King's Table come about?
Many years ago, I preached a message called “The King’s T-Able” with the “Able” emphasized. It was in the format of a five course restaurant meal: Course #1 – Promise, Course #2 – Position, Course #3 – Provision, Course #4 – Protection, and Course #5 – Prosperity. Based on the story of King David and Mephibosheth in 2 Samuel, it is a beautiful revelation of God’s love, grace and redemption. We, like Mephibosheth, are weak, lame and broken and yet God, represented by David, has a place for us at His table, regardless of our flaws and shortcomings. He loves us so much and wants us to get to know Him. God is able to save us, establish us, protect us, provide for us, and prosper us all because of the new covenant He promised and would establish through the shed blood of Jesus on the cross. Over the years of teaching the Bible, I began to see that God had given me a passion to not only teach, but, more specifically to inspire and teach others how to seek God for themselves in the Word. Two of my favorite things are food and Jesus, so it was a perfect fit!